Publications par Johnny

On Lolita – Ed Dodson

I first read Nabokov in the summer of 2009, mid-way between my first and second year of studying English at the University of Leeds. Lolita had been on my horizon, but never in my hands, during those opening semesters of undergraduate life; it had not fit into the theoretical mould by which prose fiction had […]

L. – Cécile Jeanson

C’était à S., telle que je la vois encore parfois la nuit, au creux des champs plats invisibles, comme une ombre cachée sous un arbre. Dans l’ombre, encore plus, le dessous d’un autre arbre feuillu, vu celui-ci depuis un balcon, pas très loin de la méditerranée, dans la rumeur d’une petite ville que j’ai tant […]

ASSOCIATION: doctoriales 2014 – DEMATAGODA

Udith DEMATAGODA University of Glasgow Thesis Title: ‘The Loathsome Tint of Social Intent: Ideology and Aesthetics in the works of Vladimir Nabokov’ Enrolment year: 2010 Projected year of completion: 2014 Supervisors: Professor Laurence Davies, Dr. John Coyle, Dr. Andrei Rogatchevski    Ideology, Epistemology, and the ‘Modernism of Underdevelopment’ in The Eye and Despair Within past […]